Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2296-2315 of 5825
Half-Finished Technology of Steels and Fatigue Strength
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008)The paper presents the bending fatigue testing for four steel brands. The test showed that the fatigue strength is decreasing with the increasing of both ingot size and the rolled sheet thickness. The fatigue strength ... -
Hankel-Norm Approximation Method Applied for High Order Model Reduction to Robust Contriller Synthesis
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2012)In this paper, is presented an application of the Hankel–norm approximation method for model order reduction, to obtain a lower order model with the same performance. In order to show the effectiveness of the Hankel-methodologie ... -
Hardened Aluminium with Discontinuous Copper Threads
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006)The paper presents the influence of the quantity of discontinuous reinforced threads on the mechanical characteristics of some samples obtained through deformation from composite material with metallic matrix. As a raw ... -
Hardened Aluminum with Oxide Particles
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2006)The paper presents the effect of size and dispersion degree of the particles of aluminum oxide, on structure, mechanical characteristics and phenomena that take place when heating at different temperatures for ... -
Hardening of the Grey Cast Iron Through the Vibrating Electrode Method Using a WC Electrode and in Combination with Ti Electrode
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2008)There have been tested samples of grey cast iron, the hardening being made through WC coating through the vibrating electrode method with a layer, two layers and through double layers combined with Ti and TiC. Besides ... -
Hărțuirea sexuală. Analiză comparativă între incriminarea din Codul penal în vigoare și cea din Codul penal anterior
(Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galati, 2021-09-07) -
Healthcare Services Employees Perception about Staff Motivation
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)Motivation of healthcare employees represents a very complex task due to the specific context that is present in the field of healthcare services. In this field the staff motivation is built upon a mix of factors both ... -
Heavy Metal Ions Cu (II), Co (II) and Cr (III) bufunctionally Improved with Hydroxamic and Amidoxime Groups Chelating Ion Exchangers
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos'' din Galați, 2009)Two new types of bifunctional chelating ion exchangers on the basis of ethylacrylate acrylonitrile: divinylbenzene copolymers with hydroxamic acid and amidoxime groups have been evaluated for Cu(II), Co(II) and Cr(III)ions ... -
Hidrokinetoterapia ca mijloc de recuperare a articulațiilor scapulo-humerale
(Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2020-07-20) -
High-Dielectric Inorganic-Organic Hybrid thin Films for fie;ld Effect Transistors (FETFT)
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2013)The paper discusses the challenges to develop thin films transistors for flexible transparent electronics, displays etc. The sol-gel preparation of hybrid thin films based on dielectric oxides nanoparticles (SiO2 NPs, ... -
High-Performance Concretes-Behavior of Fresh Concrete
(Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2003)Most of the research in High-Performance Concretes (HPC) since the publication of the State-of-the-Art Report in 1990 has concentrated on increasing basic knowledge regarding HPC performance and properties rather than ... -
High-Speed Hybrid Angular Contact Ball Bearings Lubricated by Kerosene Mist
(Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2008)This paper presents some experimental research, carried-out on 7206C hybrid angular contact ball bearings lubricated by oil and kerosene mist. The monitored parameters are the friction moment of the testing bearing, and ... -
Hip Joint Contact Pressure Distribution Pand After Triple Osteotomy
(Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2008)A 3−D reconstruction method based on CT scans was used to compute the femoral head coverage for dysplasic hips prior and after reconstruction surgery. The triple osteotomy technique was used to “reorient” the acetabulum ... -
Horia Lovinescu, un scriitor în infern
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2021)Lucrarea de față, intitulată Horia Lovinescu, un scriitor în infern, își propune să fie o contribuție la relectura dramaturgiei lui Horia Lovinescu și o analiză a variabilității în timp a receptării operei acestui dramaturg, ... -
Hotărârile pilot date în cauze repetitive la CEDO
(Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2020) -
How Should they Affect Pricing Decisions? Difficult Comparison Effect
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2007-01)In most companies, there is ongoing conflict between managers in charge of covering costs (finance and accounting) and managers in charge of satisfying customers (marketing and sales). Accounting journals warn against ... -
How the Projects Implemented by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration Have Impacted on the Strategies to Reform Public Administration
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2016)In Romania, the process to reform the administration is a mere mirage, similar to a Morgana, endlessly debated upon but little attained, especially through the perspective of the aims set by all the actors entrusted with ... -
How to Be a Good Entrepreneur in Our Days? Just Follow an Excellent Business Plan!
("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2009-06)Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something different with value by devoting the necessary time and effort, assuming the accompanying financial, psychic, and social risks, and receiving the resultig rewards of ... -
How to Cover the Medical Costs of Hospitalization: a Theoretical Model Based on the Household Willingness to Pay
(“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2012)Covering medical costs is very important, in order to solve the various financial problems that limit the users’ access to health care (patients attending the public hospitals). Designing a new model of financing system ...