Afișează articolele 2350-2369 of 2993

    • Sistem suport de decizie pentru analiza dinamică a modelelor reologice la compactarea prin vibraţii 

      Panfiloiu, Gheorghe (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2013)
      S-ar putea pune firesc întrebarea: este necesară o astfel de teză, şi de ce? Tot atât de firesc se poate da şi răspunsul datorită următoarelor argumente științifice, astfel: - sistemele suport de decizie oferă instrumentele, ...
    • Sisteme avansate de conducere a proceselor de conversie a energiei eoliene 

      Scarlat, Adriana (Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, 2012)
      Acest capitol este dedicat descrierii a două aspecte importante din domeniul sistemelor de conversie a energiei eoliene (SCEE). Detalierea lor se realizează în cadrul a două secţiuni principale din cadrul tezei. Într-o ...
    • Sisteme de acționare pentru dezvoltarea calităților motrice în educația fizică și sportivă școlară 

      Mocanu, George Dănuț (Galati University Press, 2017)
      Procesul de dezvoltare a calităților motrice – întâlnite în literatura de specialitate și sub denumirea de aptitudini motrice, aptitudini psiho-motrice, calități fizice, capacități motrice în literatura occidentală – ...
    • Sisteme de încălzire din tancurile navale 

      Ioan, Alexandru (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2020)
      Țițeiul, fracțiunile grele ale țițeiului rezultate în urma distilării acestuia, uleiurile de ungere grele, bitumul etc. au vâscozități mari și curg greu la temperaturi normale datorită conținutului de parafină și ceară. ...
    • Sisteme eoliene și minihidro 

      Vlad, Ciprian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2017)
      Problemele de epuizare a surselor clasice de producere a energiei electrice, dar și impunerea prin legislație și directive atât la nivel național, cât și la nivel internațional au determinat dezvoltarea sistemelor ...
    • Situațiile financiare, sursă importantă de informație în procesul decizional 

      Radu, Riana Iren (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2012)
      Teza de doctorat cu tema "Situațiile financiare, sursă importantă de informație în procesul decizional" are un caracter interdisciplinar, este structurată în patru capitole și tratează concepte economice de mare importanță ...
    • Six Sigma - a new approach of quality 

      Nicolai, Maria; Totolici, Sofia (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2005)
      The term six sigma was elaborated by Motorola Corp, in the early ‘80s, after a visit in Japan. The method’s application with this name has reduced the fabrication deficiencies with 99,7%, thus, in 1998, Motorola Corp. was ...
    • Sliding Indentation Behaviour of x 65 Hydrogenated Steel Grade 

      Spânu, Constantin; Teletin, Claudiu; Crudu, Ion; Mereuță, Valentin (Universitatea ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2009)
      The paper presents an experimental research on non-hydrogenated and hydrogenated X 65 steel samples. The steel was obtained from a continuous casting slab, this grade being used in petroleum industry. The hydrogen has an ...
    • Sliding-Mode Adaptive Control of Pioneer 3-DX Wheeled Mobile Robot 

      Filipescu, Adrian; Stancu, Alexandru ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2007)
      Parameter identification scheme and discrete-time adaptive sliding-mode controller applied to Pioneer 3-DX wheeled mobile robot (WMR) are presented in this paper. The dynamical model for mobile robot with one pair of active ...
    • Small Business Responsiveness and Organizational Culture in the Context of a Developing Economy 

      Stoica, Michael; Florea, Liviu; Lukacs, Edit (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2012)
      The organization’s responsiveness represents an important concept related to both performance and market environment. This empirical study analyzes the relationship between responsiveness and organizational culture in ...
    • Smart Home Prototype Remotely Controlled Through Internet 

      Timis, Grigore Mihai; Sandu, Elena (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2017)
      The project aims to implement and use of an autonomous smart home prototype system, to remotely monitor the important parameters like temperature, atmospheric pressure, gas leaks, or burglary
    • Social Aquaculture Model for Sustainable Rural Development 

      Zugravu, Adrian Gheorghe (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      The paper follows two main objectives: to understand aquaculture farmers’ perception and image of social services and to identify communication levers in order to improve the perceived image of social farming. Orientations ...
    • Social Business 

      Enache, Maria Cristina (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      The field of social business is growing rapidly and attracting increased attention from many sectors. The term itself shows up frequently in the media, is referenced by public officials, have become common on universities. ...
    • Social Business Models 

      Enache, Maria Cristina; Sbughea, Corina (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2015)
      A Social Business embraces networks of people to create business value. A Social Business connects people to expertise. It enable individuals – whether customers, partners or employees – to form networks to generate new ...
    • Social Cooperative – an Important Entity of the Social Economy 

      Vîrlănuță, Florina Oana (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2014)
      Contemporary society is characterized by a number of social problems that have multiple causes that range from structural weaknesses of purely individual factors. In the challenges of globalization phenomenon and in the ...
    • Social Farming Rural Development Strategy 

      Zugravu, Adrian Gheorghe; Soare, Ionica (“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 2013)
      The paper follows two main objectives: to understand farmers’ perception and image of social services and to identify communication levers in order to improve the perceived image of social farming. Orientations in terms ...
    • Software System for Generating, Identification and Simulation of the Biotechnological Processes Models 

      Caraman, Sergiu; Frangu, Laurenţiu; Turtoi, Maria ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2001)
      The paper deals with the development of a software system (BIOCALC) for the modelling, identification and simulation of the biotechnological processes. BIOCALC is based on the algorithm developed by George Bastin and ...
    • Software Tools Used for Continuous Assessment 

      Sbughea, Corina; Enache, Maria Cristina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos” din Galați, 2016)
      The present paper addresses the subject of continuous evaluation and of the IT tools that support it. The approach starts from the main concepts and methods used in the teaching process, according to the assessment ...
    • Software used at Castings Production 

      Marginean, Ioan; Bratu, Constantin; Cocolas, Sorin-Adrian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2009)
      The foundry industry has been developed worldwide, a number of software that can assist the design work and various processes in the production of castings. Current usage of such software by metallurgical engineers is ...
    • Soil Pollution with Heavy Metals 

      Vlad, Maria; Movileanu, Gelu (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
      In this paper was studied soil pollution with heavy metals (copper, chrome, manganese, lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel) caused by the municipal waste from landfill. The level of soil pollution depends on rain regime which ...