Afișează articolele 21-40 of 56

    • Solutions on fiscal appeals 

      Tudor, Florin (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The fiscal authorities that deal with solving the fiscal appeals issue decisions through which they order the annulment of the act of fiscal taxes and the issuing of a fiscal administrative act by re-assessing the situation ...
    • International custom formation : Synthesis of traditional theories 

      Stănescu, Andreea - Teodora (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The two elements of custom: usage ―the material and detectable element‖ and opinio iuris, the ―immaterial and psychological element‖ have been offered by François Geny. These two elements form the core of traditional ...
    • Mediation : An alternative ro justice 

      Stănescu, Georgeta (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Mediation – appears in our country for the first time, with the emergence of Law 192/2006 – and is an alternative to court. Optional is a way of settling conflicts on the amicable way in which an appointed mediator, trying ...
    • The Impact of European Integration on pension insurance market in Romania 

      Popa, Elena (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The present article chose to treat this work whereas the pension insurance market in Romania is a young growing market. Romanians started to become that, if they want a decent pension, they must take a decision and allocate ...
    • The Impact of european integration on the general insurances market in Romania 

      Popa, Elena (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The present article aims to proving that the business concentration is the main tendency witch is to become manifest in the insurance field, determined by the increasing interest of international strategic investors to ...
    • The Harmonization of the internal rules of the companies in European Union 

      Oprea, Răducan (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The regulation of this domain by the communitarian institutions through Directives shows the freedom of the member states to transpose the rules. In the same time, the Directives can be invoked by the particulars (companies ...
    • La nécessité de la réforme du systemes de retraites en le context de l'économie politique de la transition du plan au marché 

      Modiga, Georgeta (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The methods that are used in an economy and therefore in a society untill the achievement of the critical mass cannot repeat themselves in an objective manner, being the expression of an unique process in the history of ...
    • La Reforme parametrique du systeme publique roumaine des retraites : Necesité, réalisation et les consequinces immediates 

      Modiga, Georgeta (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      At the Revolution from 1989, in Romania performed a few socials assurances systems based on the financing conventional principle "pay-as-you-go‖. The level of the social security was induced by the existence of more ...
    • L'Organisation et le fonctionnement du gouvernement de la Grande Bretagne et de 'Espagne 

      Mihălescu, Mădălina - Elena (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Le Royaume Uni et l’Espagne sont deux de les plus importantes monarchies européens. La premier pays est une monarchie constitutionelle où le pouvoir exécutif est atribuée au Gouvernement-Le Cabinet, nomé Le Gouvernement ...
    • The community principle of proportionality in penal matter 

      Ivan, Gheorghe (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Since 1st of January 2007, the date of Romania’s adhesion to the European Union, a new matter has raised in judicial thinking, that of the penal implications of the European integration. One of these implications regards ...
    • The juridical status of adoption by same-sex couples 

      Ionescu, Nicolaie (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
    • Current regional programs in Romania 

      Ionescu, Romeo (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The essential problem for Romania after it’s adhering to the E.U. is to support a sustainable socio-economic development at regional level in order to decrease disparities between it and E.U.’s average. As a result, Romania ...
    • New approach about cap 

      Ionescu, Romeo (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      The paper deals with the new challenges for CAP under world food crisis. For the beginning, we realise a retrospection of CAP during 1992-2008 in order to conclude that CAP is dynamic and it tries to adapt to the economic ...
    • Legal english : A comparison of british and american legal systems 

      Grecu, Onorina (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Each legal system has its own vocabulary. It is the translator’s job to search for terms that often do not fully correspond to the meaning of the word in the source language, or which may not even exist in the target ...
    • Les droits fondamentaux de l'homme et leur protection juridique 

      Dura, Nicole (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Pour l’homme de nos jours, ces droits fondamentaux et leurs protection juridique constituent une vraie religion. C’est pourquoi, chaque citoyen – et surtout chaque étudiant en droit – doivent connaître et faire respecter ...
    • Aspects historiques du contrat de travail jusqu'a la reforme de 1864 

      Drumea, Mihnea Claudiu (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Les institutions du droit du travail, plus que les autres institutions juridiques ont connue et continue de le faire, une profonde transformation dans le contexte des multiples modifications législatives dans le droit du ...
    • Robbery : Theoretical and practical issues 

      Gălățeanu, Oana (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      În lucrarea de față sunt prezentate unele aspecte teoretice și practice legate de infracțiunea complexă de tâlhărie. Cercetând și practica existentă în domeniu, în lucrare se face o analiză a condițiilor necesar a fi ...
    • Plurality of crime 

      Gălățeanu, Oana (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      In front of the paper are found and presented some similarities and difference between criminal law of Romania and the Republic of Moldova on example - plurality of crimes and the crime. To interpret the provisions of ...
    • Financement des exportations par credit acheteur 

      Gavrilă, Simona Petrina (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Le crédit acheteur représente une technique relativement récente de financement des exportations et connaît un grand développement en quelques pays. Il a commencé à être utilisé beaucoup plus que le crédit fournisseur, le ...
    • Problèmes d'interprétation en ce qui concerne l'applicabilité de la loi commerciale en matière des contracts commerciaux 

      Daghie, Dragoș - Mihail (Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2008-01)
      Les commerçants, pour éviter de tolérer le risque de l’érosion de la monnaie nationale à cause de la rate de l’inflation, surtout au cas du commerce extérieur, prévoient des clauses de protection contre le risque des devises ...