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dc.contributor.authorIonescu, Romeo
dc.descriptionAnalele Universităţii “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi - Fascicula XXII Drept şi Administraţie Publică Anul I, Nr. 1 – 2008 Galati University Press ISSN 1843 -8334ro_RO
dc.description.abstractThe essential problem for Romania after it’s adhering to the E.U. is to support a sustainable socio-economic development at regional level in order to decrease disparities between it and E.U.’s average. As a result, Romania will benefit by European Structural and Cohesion Funds only if it will be able to have a great absorption capacity. Romanian legislation has the same direction with European legislation, but there are some difficulties yet. After it’s adhering to the E.U., the only way for Romania is to correlate national policy with European policy, in order to adapt our country to socio-economic and competitive conditions from the European Structures.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjectRegional programsro_RO
dc.titleCurrent regional programs in Romaniaro_RO

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