La Reforme parametrique du systeme publique roumaine des retraites : Necesité, réalisation et les consequinces immediates
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Modiga, Georgeta
At the Revolution from 1989, in Romania performed a few socials assurances systems based on the financing conventional principle "pay-as-you-go‖. The level of the social security was induced by the existence of more independent systems intended for different kind of occupations or activity sectors. Along with the public system of socials assurances and that of the supplementary pensions, were functioning another systems thereupon were participating exclusive the tillers, the army and also different smaller systems for the art workers (writers, singers, artists, etc), those from the religion cults, workers who activated in the artisanal cooperatives and the lawyers. Aboard the 90's, the Work and Social Protection Department was the one who administered the social assurances budgetm inclusively that of the supplementary pensions, of the tillers and the unemployment fund. These systems were offering socials assurances for the lost of the work capacity/cash incomes in case of disease, motherhood, work accidents, professional diseases, disability, aging, survival of husband/wife and unemployment. The single difference was represented by the health fund which was administrated by the Health Department.Only in 2000 was adopted the Law no. 19/2000 through which was trying to for state social assurances system reformation. This law was coming into force begining with April 1,2001, including important provisions regarding the system's comprehension/coverage degree, as well as the ways of improving the collecting contributions system.