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dc.contributor.authorModiga, Georgeta
dc.descriptionAnalele Universităţii “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi - Fascicula XXII Drept şi Administraţie Publică Anul I, Nr. 1 – 2008 Galati University Press ISSN 1843 -8334ro_RO
dc.description.abstractThe methods that are used in an economy and therefore in a society untill the achievement of the critical mass cannot repeat themselves in an objective manner, being the expression of an unique process in the history of the universal economy, respectively "the transition from plan to market". The only element worthily to take into consideration is the number of years untill the achievement of the critical mass and it can give indication about the nature of the process of transition and, therefore, about the stage in which is the rehabilitation of the tendency for saving/investment at the moment of achievement of the critical mass. The economical regress and historical-paradigmatical treated in the present chapter, demonstrates that exists several stages that an economy which have been passed through the experiment of the centralized planification, have to cross them over in order to return to the devellopment level of the institutions and to gradually approach to the curent devellopment of the industrialised countries (collocutional occidentals, meaning Western Europem as well as the United States of America and Canada), namely: the plan to market transition stage, the functional market economy stage and the "mature" market economy stage.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.titleLa nécessité de la réforme du systemes de retraites en le context de l'économie politique de la transition du plan au marchéro_RO

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