Now showing items 14-28 of 28

    • Prediction of Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Ship Panels 

      Chirică, Ionel; Beznea, Elena Felicia; Chirică, Raluca; Boazu, Doina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      The behavior of ship plating normally depends on a variety of influential factors, namely geometric/material properties, loading characteristics, initial imperfections, boundary conditions and deterioration arising from ...
    • Semi-Planetary Rolling and Changes of Fine Structure and Microstructure 

      Gheorghieș, C.; Cănănău, N.; Alexandru, P.; Petrea, I. (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      The strain intensity in the proximity of planetary cylinder, in the case of semi-planetary rolling is greater than in the proximity of the massive cylinder. This fact leads at the variation of the microstructure and fine ...
    • Severe Plastic Deformation an Advanced Method for Nanostructuring Shape Memory Alloys 

      Gurău, Gheorghe; Gurău, Carmela; Tănase, Dinel; Drugescu, Elena (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      Severe plastic deformation (SPD) is an advanced plastic deformation. In this process nanostructuring metals and alloys may be produced. Nanostructured shape memory alloys are associate with a very high strength, toughness, ...
    • Some Aspects About the Refractory Lining Wear in Furnaces 

      Bedő, Tibor (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos' din Galați, 2007)
      For melting cast iron, carbon steel, copper and copper alloys the quartzite is still one of the most used lining material and the most cost effective as well. The silica lining has to be replaced frequently due to the ...
    • Some Results of Researches to Develop the Proper Recycling Methods of Technological Residues from Secondary Aluminum Industry 

      Roman, Maria; Teodorescu, Romanița; Firescu, Lucia; Crișan, Aurel; Mărginean, Ioan; Cocolaș, Adrian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      The objective of the research is to identify new suitable process to use residual waste (like aluminium secondary dross, salt slag or fly ashes) in concrete products according with sustainable industry concepts. The paper ...
    • Structural and Tribological Aspects on Ti(C,O,N) Magnetron Reactive Sputtered Thin-Films 

      Munteanu, Daniel; Olteanu, Camelia; Ionescu, Cristian; Munteanu, Alexandru; Vaz, Filipe; Cunha, Luis (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      Magnetron sputtering is a flexible technique and allows producing a significant amount of types of coatings. Within the frame of present work, Ti-C-O-N thin films were deposited onto high-speed steel (AISI M2), substrates ...
    • Studies About Electrochemical Plating with Zinc-Nickel Alloys 

      Gutt, Gheorghe; Vasilache, Violeta; Poroch-Serițan, Maria; Vasilache, Traian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      The electrochemical deposition of zinc and combinations with elements of the 8th group of the Periodic System (nickel, cobalt, iron) have good properties for anticorrosive protection, compare with pure zinc. For steel ...
    • Studies Concerning Energetic Consumption of Some Heating Equipments with Resistors 

      Minea, Alina; Carabet, Roxana (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      In order to increase the resistance of aluminium alloys a complex heat treatment is usually performed. Therefore, we must consider the reaction time between aluminium alloys and furnace atmosphera. These atmospheres ...
    • Study and Researche Regarding Binaring Sistem with TIOBIS - β – NAFTOL 

      Mitoșeriu, Olga; Constantinescu, Stela; Orac, Lucica (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      This paper presents the results for contribution of determining the manganese from waters and steel. Manganese, due to its properties, cannot be found but in acid waters and usually associated with iron. In small amounts, ...
    • Study of Heat Treatment Influence on Aluminum-Based Alloy ATN-Si10Cu4 

      Vasilescu, Elisabeta; Boiciuc, Simona (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      This work presents the experimental results concerning the behavior on heat treatment of on aluminum based alloy. The laboratory level experiments achieved on samples of ATN-Si10Cu4 (4145 series) alloy illustrate the ...
    • Study of the Thermodynamic Regime at the Continuous Casting of Steel 

      Ivănescu, Alexandru; Ivănescu, Lilica; Cireșica, Cocindau; Munteanu, Viorel (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      The paper presents the evolution of the heat exchange coefficient along the path of the continuous casting unit, as a function of the cooling water flow rate and the path length. The optimization of this thermodynamic ...
    • Study on Some Copper-Molybdenum Based Composite Materials Condensed from the Vapour Phase 

      Grechanyuk, N. (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      Design features of equipment are given for realizing high-speed process of electron beam evaporation and condensation. Peculiarities of phase composition and structure of a crystallized pool (melt) on copper base are ...
    • The Action of the Ultrasonic Vibration Over the Diffusion Process in Gases and Liquids 

      Ciurea, Aurel; Bordei, Marian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      Among the new method of studying the properties of the substance and the influence over the most various physical and chemical processes, used in different industrial domains, the main place is occupied by the usage of ...
    • The Influence of Cold Rolling on the Microstructure for Drawing Steels 

      Potecașu, Florentina; Potecașu, octavian; Drugescu, Elena; Alexandru, Petrică; Istrate, Miltiade; Hanganu, Doru (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      The paper presents the structural changes that appeared in steel for deep drawing, as a result of cold rolling and of recrystallization thermal treatment. The research was conducted on samples taken from the rolled strap, ...
    • The Monitoring of Chattering in Cold Rolling Mill System with Stands for Thin Strip 

      Dragomir, Ștefan; Dragomir, Georgeta; Spânu, Constantin (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2007)
      Each system (stand – driving) and the continuous rolling line to which it belongs have its own functional and energetically parameters. To reduce any faults of the strip surface it is also necessary to check (eventually ...