Obtaining and Characterisation of Thermoresistive Pigments

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Sandu, Andrei Victor
Vasilache, Violeta
Sandu, Ion
Saviuc, Mihaela
Sandu, Ioan Gabriel
Popa, Ioan Marcel
The paper describes the obtaining and chemical and physico-structural
characterisation of a green thermoresistive pigment. The pigment is made of ZnO
dopped with Sb, Bi, Cr, Co and Fe oxides and it is used at mosaics and stained glass.
The procedure is based on a sequential coprecipitation “layer on layer” process in
aqueous solution, followed by drying and calcinations at controlled temperature
conditions, then grinding in a colloidal mill and mixed with glass powder forming
the “frit pigment”. This by vitrification and frosting colours superficial the glass.
The powder was analysed by SEM-EDX and DSC.
- 2009 fascicula9 nr2 [32]