Neural Network Schemes in Cartesian Space Control of Robot Manipulators

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Boutalis, Yiannis S.
Moise, Adrian
Mertzios, B. G.
Afficher la notice complèteRésumé
In this paper we are studying the Cartesian space robot manipulator control problem by
using Neural Networks (NN). Although NN compensation for model uncertainties has been
traditionally carried out by modifying the joint torque/force of the robot, it is also possible to
achieve the same objective by using the NN to modify other quantities of the controller. We
present and evaluate four different NN controller designs to achieve disturbance rejection for an
uncertain system. The design perspectives are dependent on the compensated position by NN.
There are four quantities that can be compensated: torque t , force F, control input U and the input
trajectory Xd. By defining a unified training signal all NN control schemes have the same goal of
minimizing the same objective functions. We compare the four schemes in respect to their control
performance and the efficiency of the NN designs, which is demonstrated via simulations.