Multivariable Intelligent Control for M.A.G. Welding Process

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Miholcă, Constantin
Nicolau, Viorel
Munteanu, Cristian
Mihăilescu, Dănuţ
Mostra tutti i dati dell'itemAbstract
A neural control technique, applied to the MAG (Metal-Active Gas) welding
process, is presented in the paper. The static nonlinear model of welding process is
based on experimental determinations. The geometric parameters of the welding beam
are considered as output parameters of the MAG process (Bs, a, p), and they are
measured for different step-variations of the input parameters (Ve, Vs, Ua). The analysis
of the output dynamics was further used to model the MAG welding process using a 3-
layer neural network with 6 hidden-layer neurons. In order to reject perturbations and
cancel the stationary error, an error compensator was used, which consists of the reverse
dynamic model connected to a proportional integrator controller. Simulation results for
the multivariable neural controller are presented.