The journal The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle IX. Metallurgy and Materials Science is published quarterly per year, being specialized in the domain of metallurgy and materials science, as well as in connected domains, such as: environment, chemistry, mechanics, energetic, etc. This journal accepts scientific papers submitted by researchers and specialized teaching staff from Romania and abroad, the main purpose being dissemination the results of the latest researches and the exchange of information among the specialists in the abovementioned domains. The journal has a rhythmical publication since 1983, having already a tradition. Under the conditions of an extension at an international level, starting with 2003, two issues per year and from 2010 four issues per year having been published. The qualitative level of the journal is permanently improved through raising the visibility degree by free online publication of all articles; peer-reviewing of all papers by at least two experts; the editing conditions; and in-time publication of its volumes. The journal is included in international exchanges with famous universities from different countries receiving journals and other documentary materials from the institutions with which we have collaboration relationships. After the latest evaluation of the journals achieved by National Center for the Science and Scientometry Politics (CENAPOSS), as recognition of its quality and impact at national level, the journal is included in B category, 215 code ( The journal is indexed in: SCIPIO-RO: EBSCO: Google Academic:

Teilbereiche in diesem Bereich

  • 1993 -2018 [552]

    Analele Universităţii din Galaţi : Fascicula IX : Metalurgie şi ştiinţa materialelor = The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati : Fascicle IX : Metallurgy and material science ISSN 1453083X

Neueste Zugänge

  • Melting-Casting Plant Using Vibrating of Melts in Order to Obtain Composite with Tehnological Utility 

    Bașliu, Vasile; Constantin, Ionuț; Istrate, Gina Genoveva; Petrea, Ionel (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    This paper presents the obtaining of composites materials with technological utility through vibration technology. In order to obtain these composites, and plant was designed and manufactured. In order to show the ...
  • Modelling and Numerical Simulation of the Atmospheric Dispersion of Pollutants from an Integrated Iron and Steel Complex-Part I 

    Munteanu, Viorel (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    The Iron and Steel Complex processes handle, store and undertake important amounts of raw materials (iron ores, coals, etc.) energy, fuels, waste waters, slags and other different types of wastes. These activities have ...
  • Sources of Emissions in the Sintering and Blast Furnace Plant 

    Chiriac, Alexandru; Florea, Gheorghe; Saracin, Ioan; Panda, Olimpia (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    The main technological operations for producing the sinter used for preparing the hot metal in the furnace are: preparation and transport of raw materials used for producing the sinter (transport, storage, crushing, ...
  • Soil Pollution with Heavy Metals 

    Vlad, Maria; Movileanu, Gelu (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    In this paper was studied soil pollution with heavy metals (copper, chrome, manganese, lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel) caused by the municipal waste from landfill. The level of soil pollution depends on rain regime which ...
  • Performing System for Purifing Waste Water 

    Dragomir, Ștefan; Dragomir, Georgeta; Bordei, Marian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    Status of water pollution can be controlled and reduced. For this purpose it uses two types of processes, applied more or less consistently by the management and technical design. The first group of processes is characterized ...
  • Coating of the Lasting Moulds with Hard Alloys 

    Dima, Ovidiu (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    This paper presents the researches on the welded coating of lasting moulds used for casting at high melting temperatures. It shows that the coating through the flux welding with the addition of metal powders and graphite ...
  • Intercritical Thermomechanical Treatments Applied to the Steel Heavy Plates 

    Vasilescu, Elisabeta (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    This paperwork shows the laboratory experiments made on X60 and X65 steels with several intercritical thermomechanical treatment applications. Two variants were used: "down-up" thermomechanical treatment with heating and ...
  • Electrodeposition and Characterization of Zinc-Cobalt Alloy Coatings 

    Vasilache, Violeta; Gutt, Sonia; Sandu, Ion; Gutt, Gheorghe; Vasilache, Traian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    Electrodeposited alloys are important in industry due to their properties which are superior to those of single metal layer. Zinc-cobalt alloys were co-deposited on gold substrate. Composition of the layers was established ...
  • Sculpture, Extended Nature 

    Paraschiv, Elena; Păunescu, Victor; Răducan, Cristina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    The paper portrays some aspects that show how nature is implemented into the graphic values domain by confronting the physical image of the artistic subject. The article presents some rules that have marked over time the ...
  • Materials Used for Manufacturing Some Objects from 1600 Before Christ - 500 After Christ Period 

    Hagioclu, Petrică; Gheorghieș, Constantin (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    The appearance and the spreading of metallic objects produced a profound social change. The early metallurgy included two ages: The Bronze Age and The Iron Age. The late Bronze Age is considered to be the most important ...
  • Time Analysis of King Mattehias the IST Sculptural Group 

    Sabău (Chelaru), Julieta Daniela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    The paper presents a study on the degradation of the King Matthias I sculptural group caused by environment factors and influenced by the casting technology and by the assembling method. During this study, samples from ...
  • The Process Insolved in Making the Medals 

    Buruiană (Negoiță), Daniela; Florea, Gheorghe; Chiriac, Alexandru (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    This paper presents a method that was experienced in the laboratory to manufacture a medal. There are three general techniques used to make medals: repoussé, striking and casting. Serigraphy technique is the most chosen ...
  • Theoretical Study regargind the Flow Conditions for Alloys Through thin Channels 

    Mărginean, Ioan; Verdeș, Bogdan-Alexandru; Cocolas, Sorin-Adrian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    A common tool used to demonstrate the phenomenon of movement of liquids through thin channels is the capillary tube. When the lower end of the tube is placed vertically in a liquid (such as water), it forms a concave ...
  • Problems and Solutions Regarding the Centrifugal Casting of Wire Sheave for Heavy Cranes 

    Cănănău, N.; Scarlet, D.; Florea, G. (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2010)
    The centrifugal casting of wire sheave is a technological method that ensures the important quality requirement, the continuity of the material in the active rolling zone of the sheave. However the centrifugal casting ...
  • Experimental Model for Pollutants Monitoring Into the Coke-Chemical Plant 

    Munteanu, Viorel; Vlad, Maria; Balint, Lucica (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos' din Galați, 2009)
    The Coke-Chemical plants contribute heavily to producing and emitting in the atmosphere a big amount of polluting agents. Polluting emissions diminution and situating them within the international specific standards, ...
  • The Steam-Secondary Source of Energy in Metallurgy 

    Ivănescu, Lilica (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2009)
    The paper is focused on a study of how to use the steam from recovery boilers of LD converters to produce electricity in turbine generators and heat in a heat network.
  • Time Scales of Phisico-Chemicaly Driven Processes in Desulphurization CaO-Al2O3 Slag 

    Niță, Petre Stelian (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2009)
    The paper is dealing with the expression of times scales associated to different physically and physico-chemically driven processes taking place on the slag side of the interface CaO-Al2O3 slags-steel, specific to the ...
  • Effects of Plastic Deformation and Temperature on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of a CuAlNi Shape Memory Alloy 

    Gurău, Carmela; Gurău, Gheorghe (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2009)
    In Cu 12.88% wt.Al4 %wt. Ni shape memory alloy the influence of plastic deformation and thermal treatments on the microstructures and hardness were studied by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), ...
  • Transparent and Conducting TIN Oxide Thin Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis 

    Fortunato, Elvira; Elangovan, Elamurugu; Danciu, Anca-Ionela; Tecaru, Alexandru; Mușat, Viorica (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2009)
    The chemical spray pyrolysis technique has been one of the major techniques to deposit a wide variety of materials in thin film form, for different applications. The most important control parameters for obtaining good ...
  • Study of the RV52 Steel Plates Properties After Thermic Treatment 

    Vlad, Maria; Constantinescu, Stela (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați, 2009)
    The thermal treatment of RV52 steel plates determines high mechanical properties such as: strength, wear resistance and tenacity. The normalized plate samples were studied to determine the effect of the tension release ...

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