Prreparation and Characterisation of Alumina Template Obtained by One-Step Anodization Method

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Gavril (Donose), M.D.
Cantaragiu, A.M.
Gheorghieș, C.
Țigău, N.
Donose, S.
Mostra tutti i dati dell'itemAbstract
The goal of this study was to obtain an alumina template (AAO) by one-step anodization
method and to evaluate its optical properties correlated with the annealing temperature. AAO
was obtained from two different media: sulphuric acid (1.5 M H2SO4) and oxalic acid (0.4 M
H2C2O4) at a potential of 15 V and 40 V, respectively. AAO morphology and chemical
composition had been investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The average pore diameters such as 20 nm for AAO
obtained from H2SO4 and 40 nm from H2C2O4 were measured. The crystalline structures of AAO
samples annealed at three different temperatures of 150ºC, 300ºC and 350ºC were studied by Xray
diffractometry (XRD). The effect of annealing temperature on the optical properties of AAO
was studied by UV-VIS spectrophotometry.
- 2013 fascicula9 nr2 [14]