Behavior of Cold Rolling Emulsions in the Obtaining Process of Steel Strips
The research was focused on determining an optimum rolling emulsion to be
used on a cold rolling mill from Galfinband Galati Romania. In this plant are
obtained steel strips with the thickness of 0.7-0.8 mm. The main parameters
depending on which the performance of a lubricant varies were determined. These
were: viscosity, pH, thickness of lubrificant film, size of emulsion particles and their
distribution on the surface of the steel band, oil content in the lubricating emulsion,
usage degree of emulsion, applying method. The characteristics of mineral oil, fresh
and recirculated emulsions have been analysed and discussed. Also by macroscopy
were analyzed the form of contaminants on the surface of the steel bands which
originate from lubricating emulsion. Their appearance is analyzed in the report
with their generating processes and the quality of the emulsion.
- 2014 fascicula9 nr1 [13]