Influence of Alloying Elements on Corrosion Resistance of Some Iron - based Sintered P/M Alloys
Potecașu, Florentina
Marin, Mihaela
Potecașu, Octavian
Radu, Tamara
Istrate, Gina
Zur LanganzeigeZusammenfassung
In this paper is described the influence of alloying elements on corrosion
behavior of sintered iron parts. The compacts were sintered at 1,150 °C and the
sintering time was 60 minutes. After microstructural studies, the electrochemical
tests were carried out. The corrosion behavior of samples was evaluated using
potentiodinamic polarization technique in 3.5% NaCl solution. Different
parameters like icorr, cathodic ( c) and anodic ( a) slopes derived after the
extrapolation of the Tafel plots were obtained. The results reveal that the alloying
elements can improve significantly corrosion resistance of iron based sintered P/M
- 2015 fascicula9 nr1 [15]