Researches Regardingbthe Thermomechanical Treatments Influence on the Structure and Characteristics of the Aluminium Alloys for Aeronautics
The laboratory experiments were made on the two aluminium alloyed qualities
used for aeronautical industry. More working conditions of the intermediary (PTMI)
and finally (PTMF) thermomechanical treatments were used on the industrial rolled
test-specimen. Also, the conventional thermal treatment was used, consisting of the
solution quenching and artificial heat ageing, mode in more working condition, test.
The structure and mechanical characteristics were analyzed and the gotten results
were compared using those two types of the thermal and thermomechanical
treatments. A significantly improvement of the mechanical characteristics was
ascertained to the thermomechanical treated test-specimen.
- 2005 fascicula9 nr2 [22]