Cloud ERP and Cloud Accounting Software in Romania
Nowadays, Cloud Computing becomes a more and more fashionable concept in the IT
environment. There is no unanimous opinion on the definition of this concept, as it covers
several versions of the newly emerged stage in the IT. But in fact, Cloud Computing should
not suggest anything else than simplicity. Thus, in short, simple terms, Cloud Computing
can be defined as a solution to use external IT resources (servers, storage media, applications
and services), via Internet. Cloud computing is nothing more than the promise of an easy
accessible technology. If the promise will eventually turn into something certain yet
remains to be seen. In our opinion it is too early to make an assertion. In this article, our
purpose is to find out what is the Romanian offer of ERP and Accounting software
applications in Cloud and / or as services in SaaS version. Thus, we conducted an extensive
study whose results we’ll present in the following.
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