Conventional Leasing vs Islamic Leasing
Isai, Violeta
Radu, Riana Iren
Leasing developed in time, from the simple form of renting to the modern modality of
financial from nowadays, as an alternative for loan. It is present in the entire world, being
used both by the financial specialized companies and banks, and the clients are companies
and population. The object of leasing contract can be assets and also services, which are
rented by the financier (lessor), on definite period, to the client (lessee), in exchange for a
leasing rate (rent). The registering in accounting and the fiscal implications in the
companies financial administration are different, according to the leasing form which they
are using. The capitalist system has in view to obtain profit from renting, but the Islamic
System, based on Șaria, forbids renting “haram” assets and services, obtaining interest from
renting and using the leasing contract for the transfer of the property.