Browsing 2006_fascicula1 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
The Role of Enterprise Portals in Enterprise Integration
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)Today’s enterprises are moving business systems to the Internet - to connect people, business processes, and people to business processes in enterprise and across enterprise boundaries. The portal brings it all together: ... -
Possibilities and Limits of the Quality Integrated Management within the Romanian Companies
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)The authors of the paper try to identify the main approaches in the field of the Quality Integrated Management on the Romanian companies’ level, starting with the discussion about the theoretical frame of the topic. The ... -
Monetary Expectations of the Romanian Executives Regarding the Adheration
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)This paper explores the monetary expectations induced to the managers of Romanian firms by adheration. It is based on an investigation among twenty Romanian executives regarding the impact on adheration over monetary aspects: ... -
The touring program typology in the county of Galati
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)During the last years, the tourism sector noted a continuous increase of consume of touristy products. The area of reference for this article is Galaţi county, that might not have, at first sight, touristy potential, ... -
Cautious Practice in Accountancy Credit Units
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)The constitution of the specific risk prevision refers to their creation and is realized including in the cost the sum representing the level of the necessary specific risk provisions, in case there is no provision. The ... -
The choice of touristic destinations during the maturation period of grapes in Romania
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)The grape growing by everything that it means, in Romania - the high number of the big viticultural unities and their geographical repartition for the whole country, the landscape diversity created into the viticultural ... -
Extension through analogy a useful method in the study of disparities
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)The method of extension through analogy is, in our view, useful for comparisons between miscellaneous economical indicators belonging to the same structure, also between indicators which belongs to various economical ... -
The Fiscal Dimension of the Environment Policy
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)Present for the first time on the European order of business at the beginning of the ‘70s, the concern for the environment gains a distinctive nature as the Rome Club signalled the diminishing of the natural resources ... -
Thematic Tourist Programme, Essential Element of the Romanian Tourism Promotion
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)Tourism is the brilliant and efficient combination of the natural elements existing in a geographical space, of the general components of human existence (language, culture, traditions, folklore, hospitality), of the ... -
The Fisheries and Aquaculture Component of Rural Development
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)Fisheries and aquaculture can provide a key contribution to food security and poverty alleviation. Fisheries and aquaculture policy is an instrument for the conservation and management of fisheries and aquaculture. It ... -
Financial Audit – Undisputed Source in Precise Informing of Financial Statement’s Users
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)Financial audit implies a methodology of assessment to ensure an independent opinion so that to equally protect all the users of financial information: shareholders, state, employees, banks, stock exchange, debtors, ... -
Realities of the Self-Employment Process in Romania
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)The present analyse was developed within the framework of Self-Employment project, i.e. “Guidance and counselling for self-employment”, financed under EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The aim of this project is to identify ... -
Integrating Data Mining Into Business Intelligence
(Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, 2006)Data Mining is a broad term often used to describe the process of using database technology, modeling techniques, statistical analysis, and machine learning to analyze large amounts of data in an automated fashion to ... -
A Critical Evaluation of Indian Government’s Strategies to Bridge Digital Divide
(Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)Emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been a landmark for India. In one way, this sunshine sector has been instrumental in the economic growth of country and has glorified its image in the whole ... -
Methodology of diagnosing enterprise activity and techniques of diagnosis
(Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)The diagnosing methodology, on one hand, should allow liberation of the main elements for elaboration of the survey and, besides that, for thorough research in case of abnormalities and, on the other hand, should neglect ... -
Romanian Banking System Evolution and Basel II Requirements
(Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)Before 1989, Romanian Banking System was structured in the specific way of a centralized economy. Restructuring of the banking system took its first step at the end of 1990 when the newly- established bank, Banca Comercială ... -
Environmental Financial Accounting
(Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)From a company’s perspective, there seem to be two underlying forces driving company interest in various kinds of environmental performance data that might be considered varieties of accounting. The first is a growing ... -
Oil Effect on World Economy
(Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)The paper presents the macroeconomic effects of the oil trade on the world economy, taking into account a number of factors that characterise it: evolution of oil price, as well as dynamics of oil exports, economic ... -
Issues Related to a Reasonableness of Executive Compensation Analysis
(Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)In most companies, there is ongoing conflict between managers in charge of covering costs (finance and accounting) and managers in charge of satisfying customers (marketing and sales). Accounting journals warn against ... -
Competitive Product Advantages
(Universitas Galatiensis, 2006-01)Cost advantages may be either internal or external. Internal economics of scope, scale, or experience, and external economies of focus or logistical integration, enable a company to produce some products at a lower cost ...