Competitive Product Advantages
Cost advantages may be either internal or external. Internal economics of scope,
scale, or experience, and external economies of focus or logistical integration,
enable a company to produce some products at a lower cost than the competition.
The coordination of pricing with suppliers, although not actually economizing
resources, can improve the efficiency of pricing by avoiding the incrementalization
of a supplier's nonincremental fixed costs and profit. Any of these strategies can
generate cost advantages that are, at least in the short run, sustainable. Even cost
advantages that are not sustainable, however, can generate temporary savings that
are often the key to building more sustainable cost or product advantages later..
Even when a product's physical attributes are not readily differentiable,
opportunities to develop product advantages remain. The augmented product that
customers buy is more than the particular product or service exchanged. It includes
all sorts of ancillary services and intangible relationships that make buying the
same product from one company less difficult, less risky, or more pleasant than
buying from a competitor. Superior augmentation of the same basic product can add
substantial value in the eyes of consumers, leading them to pay willingly what are
often considerable price premiums
- 2006_fascicula1 [32]