Methodology of diagnosing enterprise activity and techniques of diagnosis
The diagnosing methodology, on one hand, should allow liberation of the main
elements for elaboration of the survey and, besides that, for thorough research in
case of abnormalities and, on the other hand, should neglect the accidental
elements which do not have an utility to the studied field. This double necessity
drives the analyst’s efforts in eliminating the difficulties of diagnosing method,
which should avoid two possible limits, that is: performing a very analytical and
expensive survey when compared to the information it provides or elaborating a
too global survey, which can cause some omissions, among which some important
issues for the final consideration and for the action plans which are to be set can
be lost. Therefore, only a rigorous activity diagnosis method can convince the
study beneficiary as to the competence and value of the specialist expert called
and of the fact that the result of analysis does not include a multitude of useless,
unessential information
- 2006_fascicula1 [32]