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dc.contributor.authorVâlcu, Angelica
dc.descriptionAnnals of the “Dunărea de Jos” University of GALAŢI Fascicle XIII. New Series. Issue 25, XXIV, 2006 pp. 119 - 123ro_RO
dc.description.abstractTo acquire the skill of writing, be it in a foregin language or not, imposes it on the learner to acquire the competence of formal communication, which is accessible only during classes, through a continuous contact with written ’products’. Our paper will describe results of an effective observation of several aspects which we consider to underly the coherence of a text, and which may be translated at the level of textuality. We are convinced that the didactic practice on textual coherence will enable learners to identify their own competence in the reading of a certain text type and to resort to this competence to determine the acceptability limits of the written text the learner has just produced.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţiro_RO
dc.subjectcoerenţă, textualitatero_RO
dc.titleLa Configuration de l'univers textuel : Coherence et cohesionro_RO

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