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dc.contributor.authorAntofi, Simona
dc.descriptionAnnals of “Dunărea de Jos” University of GALAŢI Fascicle XIII, New Series. Issue 26, XXV, 2007 pp. 5-10ro_RO
dc.description.abstractThe tendency of the Romanian literature to synchronize with western European literature has been observable for a long time which highlights, in a special way, the woman status seen from a literary perspective. During the years of the 1848, one of the most fertile literary forms, the short story, was characterized by the relative submissiveness to European literary models, as well as to the ironic and parodic exercise. The parodic style develops in several varieties in the literary practice exercised by Vasile Alecsandri or by Constantin Negruzzi and it proves the existence of lucidity and the critical spirit which accompany the act of literary creation during the already mentioned epoch.ro_RO
dc.publisherUniversitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galațiro_RO
dc.subjectLiteratura română, pașoptismro_RO
dc.titleStucturi și forme literare / reprezentări ale feminității în nuvela românească pașoptistăro_RO

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